Raja Yusuf Christoffel Makunimau
of Kolana , Alor. (Since 1996)

Raja Constantinus (Cos) Matheos Karimaley of Batulolong with his wife.
Alor (Since 1996)

Raja Muda Muhammad Marzuki Nampira
Chief of Raja Dynasty of Alor (1999 - )
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan Indonesia,Vlaardingen, Netherlands Illustrated informative site with about 300 Royal Indonesian and Princely dynasties of Indonesia, mainly in the present time.
Batulolong isn't a big principality but very well aware of it's separate history; belonging to the 4 major principalities of the island of Alor. Already the Dutch wanted to abolish the seperate monarchy in Batulolong, because of his relative economic unimportance and his not very big amount of people. When the Indonesians divided Alor in subdistricts(kecamatans) Batulolong wasn't a part of it.On 20-7-1963 Batulolong was restored as a separate political entity as the subdistrict Alor-Selatan. Raja Constantijn Karimalei is of a side-branch of the dynasty. His brother Raja Lourens Karimalei (ruling 1947-1962 and died 1996; being 68 years old; was the last ruling-Raja of Batulolong.
Most of the Rajas of Alor are regarded as so-called coastal Rajas;having also some influence on the mountain peoples. The feeling of the people of Batulolong for their Raja is very strong.That is more or less also the case in the other areas of Alor.The royals here are still much connected with their people.
The present(2005)Bupati/district ruler of Alor/Pantar; Ir. Ans Takalepeta from the Christian dynasty of Kolana/Alor.,is a very good and ambitious ruler.
Kolana was one of the examplary principalities of Alor.The present Raja;a very friendly man;lives in Kolana,the crownprince in Kalabahi;caiptal of Alor.
Raja Muda Muhammad Marzuki Nampira was first businessman on Java.After death of his father Raja Ahmad Bala Nampira(1945/1952-1962)in 1998 he became chief of the dynasty and returned permanently to Alor.First he became high government official,but later gov. official of a bit lower degree.On Alor he still has his business activities.He lives in the former residence of his father.The actual place of origin is Dulolong,where his forefathers were kapitans(sub-rulers).He wants to restore this site to a historical place.The former Rajas of Alor(the Tulimau's)are pretenders a bit to the Rajaship,but are living in relative harmony with the Nampira's.His younger brother maintains a hotel near the old Raja residence not far from the ferry arriving point.
The hotel of the Raja dynasty of Alor;on the land of the palace/residence of the Rajas of Alor principality;is called Hotel Melati at Jalan Dr. Sutomo no. 1,
tel.:0062-(0)386-21075.It has 15 good rooms and lying in a very pleasant area near the shopping street,to the promenade and the day permament pasar/market along the harbour.
Prices are very reasonable.Alor is very pleasant island to be.The people are very friendly.Some locals,who speak very good English;offer their services concerning all kind of things.
Not far from the dynasty Hotel you can hire a boat to go the paradiselike island Pantar.
My Name is Muhammad Laba, living in Batam Island, Riau Archipellago, Indonesia. I was born and raised in Alor. I read and was surprised you know history better than me. Well, one of kingdom which you said being ruled by Nampira was formerly came out from my tribal society in Alorkecil which deployed the to Dulolong. My familiy is ruler of Pelanserang Tribal House in Alorkecil. The kingdom I mean was from Pelangserang Tribal House in Duluolong.
If possible we can communicate to each other, both the blog owner and the commentators. my e-mail is laba72atyahoodotcom
Please,go to my e-mail at pusaka.tick@tiscali.nl .
Hormat saya:
DP Tick
Dear Mister Mokhtar;
I tried to send you a reaction to your mail,but your e-mail adress not existing.
So here I repeat more shortly,what I said in that mail.Better not change the situation.I presume you now way.Not to bring back to much old things.Btter stay it like this.
The old good things Yulin received in Singapore will never be forgotten.
May God bless you all.Sorry,I must say it on this place,but see above why.
I am sorry for all.
May God blessxes you and your family.
Maybe you already have seen,that I maintain now 2 websites.
Hormat saya:
D.P. Tick
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