Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan Indonesia,Vlaardingen, Netherlands Illustrated informative site with about 300 Royal Indonesian and Princely dynasties of Indonesia, mainly in the present time.
Raja MUda Salmon Bislissis is the main chief within the dynasty of the Rajas of the Helong-people of Kupang.It's principality also was called Kupang,before the United Kingdom of Kupang came into being in 1917.In old days Kupang(old)was made of the W-part of W-Timor.Later on the Helong people only ruled in the Western point of Timor and on Semau island(the latter is a paradise in itself).After the death of Raja Christiaan D. Bissi Lissin in 1994 there was no new Raja nad a bit rivalry,who was the most important Royal in the dynasty.Prince Salon is now thé man in the dynasty.His grandfather(also a Raja)married in exile on Java a Princess of Surakarta.The wife of the present main chief dynasty is a member of the vice-Raja dynasty of NoEmuti in the middle of W-Timor).The brown cloth is a typical thing for the Kupang-Helong people.More lines in the pattern,if you are royal.This main chief of the dynasty will also attend the 5th Indonesian Royal Festival in 2006(Festival Keraton Nusantara V),which will be held in:.....Surakarta!
His correct name and offical name must be:Raja Muda Soleman Pallo Bislissin.
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Raja MUda Salmon Bislissis is the main chief within the dynasty of the Rajas of the Helong-people of Kupang.It's principality also was called Kupang,before the United Kingdom of Kupang came into being in 1917.In old days Kupang(old)was made of the W-part of W-Timor.Later on the Helong people only ruled in the Western point of Timor and on Semau island(the latter is a paradise in itself).
After the death of Raja Christiaan D. Bissi Lissin in 1994 there was no new Raja nad a bit rivalry,who was the most important Royal in the dynasty.
Prince Salon is now thé man in the dynasty.His grandfather(also a Raja)married in exile on Java a Princess of Surakarta.The wife of the present main chief dynasty is a member of the vice-Raja dynasty of NoEmuti in the middle of W-Timor).The brown cloth is a typical thing for the Kupang-Helong people.More lines in the pattern,if you are royal.This main chief of the dynasty will also attend the 5th Indonesian Royal Festival in 2006(Festival Keraton Nusantara V),which will be held in:.....
His correct name and offical name must be:
Raja Muda Soleman Pallo Bislissin.
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