Friday, July 01, 2005

diFestival Kraton III - Kutai - Kalimantan Timur

Bulungan, Kalimantan Posted by Picasa Photo courtesy Pusaka

Datu Abubakar MM. Djalaludin (Ketua lembaga Adat Bulungan) on the right side. On the center nephew of Sultan Kutai Kartanegara. On the left Haji Sayid Ali Amin Bilfaqih.Seated is Datu Dissan MM. Djalaludin.

1 comment:

pandanwangie said...

Because of all kind of political things still no installed Sultan here.There are at least 2 pretender-Sultans in Malaysia of Bulungan.This royal is respected by most of the people and ropyalty to be the only good perswon for the throne.