Friday, July 01, 2005

Jamuan diRaja - Sintang

Traditional Makan. Posted by Picasa The meal in the invitationpart of the palace after the installation of the new King. According to Malayu customs the guests are sitting on the ground taking the Royal meal. On the left the Royal guests from the also in West-Kalimantan lying areas . You can see the Sultan of Sambas (3rd from left), the Panembahan of Landak (5th from left), the Panembahan of Mempawah (6th from left) and the Sultan of Pontianak (7th from left). Also attending the dynasties of Sanggau and Sekadau.

1 comment:

pandanwangie said...

In the visitors part of the palace on the left the royal guests.3rd,5th,6th and 7th from left resp. the Sultan of Sambas,Panembhans of Landak and Mempawah and the Sultn of Pontianak.Further also some highest reprsenttives of the Panembahan dynaasties of Sanggau and Landak;all from W.-Borneo/Kalimantan