Sunday, May 01, 2005

Atmosphere in Imperial palace of Suarakarta becomes very hot.

Ca. 1 1/2 week after some persons from the side of the rival-Susuhunan Paku Buwono XIII of Surakarta (former Prince Tedjowoelan)tried to get acces to the palace for cultural-religious reasons,which was denied without a talk beforte,which was requested by the in the palace living Susuhunan Paku Buwono XIII of Surakarta(former Prince Hangabehi),the side of PB XIII/Tedjowoelan tried to get into the palace,which seemed a sort of friendly invasion to open the staus quo,which was as death water now.Police and even a younger brother of the in the palace living Emperor PB XII/Hangebehi could prevent it.But probably now the things are going on now again.I hope both Imperial Royals will get the wisdom to talk in a wise way to find a solution,which will be seen as an exemplary-royal way to solve problems in this world.
May the Loving God help them with it.

1 comment:

pandanwangie said...

Both have the name Susuhunan Paku Buwono XIII.The semi-attack happened 29-8-2005.