Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Threads of Life in Timor.

Threads of Life in Timor. Threads of Life works with a number of different communities in Timor and is constantly seeking to expand its connections. In Belu we work with the emerging Kelompok Putri Tunggal. The village of Boti presents an opportunity to connect with a very traditional community that for decades has eschewed influence from the outside. In Amarasi near Kupang we have met traditional leaders who wish to meet the world while maintaining their cultural integrity.


  1. The queen-mother of Amarasi has a weaving coöperation.She is descended from the regents of Rutong on Ambon.

  2. She is Ratu Marie(Hanna Paulina)Loesi.Married with a former Raja of the Koroh dynasty.Her mother is a Maspaitella of the regent-dynasty of Rutong.
