Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Insana - West Timor - NTT

Usif Pah/Raja Drs. Theodorus(Olis) L. TaOlin of Insana/Timor (1991-....)
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  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    A state in West Timor (Timor Loro Manu), with a charismatic ruler co-ruling with a subruler of the TaOlin dynasty, recognized as Raja in 1913 ...

  2. The Taolins were actually the executive power behind the lawmakers:the kesers,or Rajas of the Usfinit dynasty.Because the Dutch didn't find these symbolic rajas not very usefull and later they also proved not be very usuable for the modern way of governing,the Taolins were used as Rajas and remained so until present time.He is a Roman Catholic Raja.His wife is from Protestant Savu.The Raja has been and is now again local government representative and also chief of the council of West-Timorese Rajas(Dewan Usif Timor).The area is known as having the most colourfull weavings of this part of Timor.The Raja is known for his big knowledge of history and culture of the island.His palace in OElolok(in very beautifull area)is known for very special local woodcarvings.The palacecompund is trully a cultural object of the highest order.
