Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Boti/Mollo - West Timor - NTT

The only non-Christian Raja (sub actually) of Timor/in Mollo/TTS
Raja None Ambenu of Boti
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1 comment:

  1. Wether this ruler is a real raja,or just a traditional leader is still quite uncertain to me.He is described as a KIng,Raja,etc. but that is actually quite talking without real knowledge.Some source said,that he is actually descended,or belonging to the original Raja dynasty of Ambenu,who later gave a bit place to the de Hornay and da Costa dynasties to rule over the OEcusse Ambenu area.But I never saw any pedigree of him.Fled branches of the Ambenu dynasty live with their people in Amfoan area.
    The amount of people of this village-"principality " is ca. 650 in 2005.
